Diagonal hidden portrait

Fat-thin illusion - the upside-down version looks thinner

Tony Blair illusion - Reversing the contrast of reveals a grotesque portrait, with the whole face positive except for the negative eyes and teeth

Mirror reversal illusion - The right portrait (mirror reversed) seems to look to the right side

Blue eye illusion

Chess hidden portrait

Tatcher illusion - It is the same image in the top and bottom but the illusion happens when the mouth and eyes, are kept the right way up.

Ando dark sclera illusion - Gaze direction seems different in the same portrait with different shadows in the sclera

Wobbling illusion - Duplicating facial parts can cause an unstable feeling

Bogart illusion - The negative seems to look to the right

Valentine-Bruce illusion - If the positions of eyes and the mouth are interchanged, the face appears to be funny. But the inferior image is not so funny.

Circles hidden portrait